100% of your donation to EcoMalibu or purchase of EcoMalibu’s fine products from our store will support our projects and programs.
EcoMalibu is an all-volunteer 501(c)(3) tax exempt public benefit corporation that promotes and educates the public about clean water, habitat protection, habitat restoration, and smart development in the Malibu Creek Watershed and southern California. EcoMalibu has four active programs:

Malibu Lagoon – 2016.

Student volunteers and interns planting native vegetation Malibu Lagoon – June, 2014.
Public Education: EM uses visual media (videos, photographs, and drawings) to present complicated scientific information in an understandable format to non-scientists. EM teaches the public about the importance of wetlands, given the role that they play in wildlife habitat, cleaning water, forming prime surf locations, and protecting our coast against issues associated with climate change. EM develops hands-on opportunities for students and community volunteers that provide them extraordinary environmental and educational experiences.
Advocacy: EcoMalibu promotes: preservation and conservation of undeveloped open space, restoration of wetlands, streams, and other habitats that result in clean water, improved wildlife habitat, and safer more livable communities. In the next 30 years climate change is expected to cause sea level rise and coastal flooding, prolonged draughts, more frequent floods, more severe and increased numbers of fires, and dramatic increases in the extinction of animal species.
EM advocates for Smart development and restoration actions that will make communities safer and less vulnerable to impacts associated with climate change. Working with nature, by placing new or relocating critical infrastructure away from areas vulnerable to climate impacts and preventing future losses by restoring coastal wetlands, sand dunes, and flood plains will enhance fish and wildlife, improve water quality, and make our communities safer from floods, fires, and draughts. Smart coastal resilient development costs less and improves the quality of life for members of those communities.

Front lawn replaced with rain garden which conserves and cleans water – 2016.